Why we should train our dogs
Regardless of the age of your dog or their previous level of education, training provides an opportunity for socialisation. You will learn how to introduce your dogs, understand their body language and know what they are thinking and feeling. You will also learn about habituation. This is important for a dogs development when experiencing something new for the first time. Habituation works to reduce your dogs arousal levels to a stimulus for example moving objects, loud noises, different environments, floor surfaces or meeting new people.
Training our dogs should start at the very beginning and continue throughout its entire life. If you are getting a puppy then it is important to set the boundaries early. This will help you establish leadership at an early age and minimise any issues associated with teenage years. A puppy requires socialisation from 6 weeks to 16 weeks of age to develop confidence in all situations and environments. This is referred to as the Critical Period of Development. If left till after this time then the dog can develop phobias or take time in adjusting to new situations and environments. The experience gained during the Critical Period of Development will be a gauge to how your dog will be as an adult. This is the best time to start training.
Once you have completed puppy training it is imperative to further train your dog to add reliability to their commands and work through any sticking points that may occur. This will help to minimise the impact of the dreaded teenage years. It is a great way to further establish your leadership as your teenage dog will test your skills, and if your dog is successful, can cause mayhem. Continued training will provide support during the difficult teen period, assisting you to maintain your leadership and help prevent future problem behaviour in an adult dog. This is a critical time to work through distractions. The more you are willing to put into your dogs training, the more rewarding your training will be.
Adult dogs can benefit from training to maintain their previous learning. A lapse in consistency can offer the opportunity for a dog to not follow through with their commands. A rescue dog can benefit from training to help you bond with your new dog and to work through any issues or problem behaviours previously developed. If you have an adult dog that is starting to exhibit behaviours that are increasing in frequency or intensity, training will assist with this. This is a great opportunity to teach your dog new things.